The best placards from last night's London #TrumpProtest

The best placards from last night's London #TrumpProtest
Stand Up To Trump — Tens of thousands hit the streets of London last night to protest Donald Trump's hateful Muslim ban and UK Prime Minister Theresa May's complicity in supporting his administration. These are our favourite placards from the capital.

Towns and cities across the UK erupted into impromptu protests last night, as Theresa May – UK Prime Minister – continues to steam ahead with plans to host Donald Trump on a state visit to the UK in the coming months. The plans, which have proven unpopular with pretty much everyone who thinks racism is nothing to celebrate, have caused outrage.


With just a few days notice, tens of thousands turned up for a protest in central London, with Whitehall blockaded from Trafalgar Square to Parliament Square. Politicians, activists and community leaders tried to address the crowd, but as numbers continued to swell it proved impossible.


Donald Trump’s ban on citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US for a period of 90 days is just the latest of seemingly endless executive orders that have seen the far-right administration attempt to consolidate power, with Trump becoming increasingly unpopular in the UK. And last night, from Aberdeen in Northern Scotland to Exeter in the South West, tens of thousands took to the streets to make it clear that Trump is not welcome here.

The protest was young and angry, and plans are already being worked on to shut down any visit should it take place.


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