Curator and art historian Hans Ulrich Obrist has some advice about your address book
- Text by D'Arcy Doran
- Photography by Elliot Kennedy

#11 – Hans Ulrich Obrist
Hans Ulrich Obrist spent his teens travelling across Europe, sleeping on overnight trains and meeting every member of every art scene he came across. Along the way, he added so many business cards to his leather-bound address book that it wouldn’t hold together. When computers revolutionised the way he kept contacts, Obrist dispensed with the old book and threw himself into the digital age, but the concept hasn’t changed – when people are connected, creativity is sparked.
“The cyber introductions didn’t come out of the blue; I would connect people I met. I would connect someone I met on my travels with someone in another city when I would see a pattern. They’d be interested in the same thing. I always believed if you brought people together lots of things could happen.”
This is just a short excerpt from Huck’s Fiftieth Special, a collection of fifty personal stories from fifty inspiring lives.
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