“Where architecture has often sought stability and thus the lack of movement, modernity has brought a sense of the nite, and a good deal of modesty about posterity and longevity,” writes Philip Jodidio in the opening of his new book, We Are All Nomads. “What more contemporary thought could there be than to seek nothing so much as to move, to grow perhaps, but always to move?”
It’s a thought the writer explores in great detail over the course of 300 lavishly illustrated pages. We Are All Nomads, published by Taschen this month, steps inside some of the most remarkable and innovative examples of nomadic living – ranging from revamped vintage motorhomes to extravagant, under-water houseboats. It’s a visual homage to the mobile home, and a celebration of the people who have chosen a more unusual way of life.
As well as showing off the luxurious side of nomadic architecture, We Are All Nomads also looks into the politically groundbreaking; stepping inside the refugee housing of Pritzker Prize-winning architect Shigeru Ban.
“As it should be readily apparent from this summary collection of movable residences from all over the world and in all types of different contexts,” concludes Jodidio, “the nomadic spirit of our ancestors the hunter-gatherers is very much alive in the modern world.”

We Are All Nomads is available now from Taschen.
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