Five incredible rooftopping videos

Five incredible rooftopping videos

Best death-defying climbs — Inspired by a defiant skyscraper climb in support of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution, Huck pulls together the best rooftopping videos out there.

Urban exploration has fragmented under the weight of increased attention from police and security services, excessive media scrutiny and attempts by advertisers to co-opt the culture.

One of the most exciting offshoots has been rooftopping: daredevil climbers who scale tall buildings or incomplete skyscrapers, often with a political message.

Inspired by the death-defying feats, hunger for exploration and stunning footage, we’ve curated five of the best rooftopping videos for your vertigo-inducing pleasure.

What’s Up Hong Kong

James Kingston and Mustang Wanted suspension bridge backflips

Shanghai Tower

Taking The City: Rooftopping Toronto

New Perspectives: The City From Above And Below

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