Keep Jumbo Wild — The Ktunaxa First Nation, conservationists and backcountry skiers have joined the fight against the Jumbo Glacier Resort, which threatens an area where the land is wild and skiing is a way of life.

“The Ktunaxa people have been in this valley for 9,000 years, that’s 400 generations,” explains Joe Pierre, a Ktunaxa First Nation citizen. “We should be able to say, ‘No!’ and our ‘No!’ should be heard.”

The Ktunaxa are at the heart of a fight to protect the Jumbo Valley in British Columbia, or as they know it Qat’muk – the sacred home of the grizzly bear spirit, from developers who hope to turn it into an all-season resort. They are supported by a majority of local people, conservationists and backcountry skiers who all oppose plans that would cause irreparable damage to a unique area of natural beauty and habitat for wild bears.

Patagonia have released this eight-minute short preview to the upcoming feature film Jumbo Wild, which looks in-depth at a battle that has been raging over the last 24 years to keep the Jumbo Valley wild and protect it for future generations.

Find out more about the issues in the film and sign the Keep Jumbo Wild petition. Support the campaign with the on social media by using #KeepJumboWild.

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