Donald Trump just banned transgender Americans from serving in the US military

Donald Trump just banned transgender Americans from serving in the US military
Fuck Trump. Seriously. — The Bigot-in-Chief just used Twitter to make the vile announcement.

Donald Trump just took to Twitter to announce his latest hateful policy. Since taking office the President has attacked minority groups at every possible stage, from the Muslim ban to his batshit Mexico wall. LGBT people have been no exception. Within hours of being sworn in at The Whitehouse, Trump had deleted its LGBT rights page.

Transgender people have come under particular levels of attack though, his administration intent on making life as hard as possible for the estimated 1.4million trans people living in the United States. Back in February of this year he and his cronies ended federal protection for trans students that ensured they were able to use bathrooms, locker rooms and facilities that matched their gender identities. This undid huge amounts of work by the previous administration.

The awful ban itself sends a worrying message, the language of trans people being a burden in particular is an alarming precedent for other employers to follow suit.

Whatever you think of the US military, and trust us, we’re not the biggest fans, this should have us worried, angry, and ready to resist.

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