Reading changes lives — Save the Children’s new viral video supports the Read On. Get On. campaign to combat child illiteracy.

For a modern industrialised country with one of the biggest economies in the world, the levels of adult illiteracy in the UK are shocking: 16 per cent, or 5.2 million adults in England, are classified as functionally illiterate, meaning they would fail an English GCSE and have literacy levels equal or below those expected from 11-year-olds.

Save the Children have released this great new viral video Ten Minutes a Day Could Change Everything in support of the Read On. Get On. campaign that aims to help all children read confidently by 11.

Why age 11? Children’s reading level when they start secondary school has a huge impact on their future. Those who read well at this crucial stage mostly go on to get good exam results and better jobs, while those still struggling are far too often destined for lives of unemployment, poverty and in many cases prison.

Reading to young children for just ten minutes a day can help inspire a love of reading and massively improve their future prospects and quality of life. Support the campaign by sharing this video or signing the petition to urge politicians to commit give every child who leaves primary school reading well by 2025.

Find out more about Read On. Get On.

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