A family of adventurers — Pro surfers Keith, Dan and Chris Malloy would never have become the intrepid explorers they are today without their father leading them into the wild.

“I think there’s definitely attraction to being off the beaten path and [our father] taught us that,” explains surfer Keith Malloy. “It’s kind of amazing how much one person can influence you.”

Surfers Keith, Dan and Chris Malloy grew up in a traditional household, where being outside and getting yourself into a bit of trouble was always looked at as a good thing.

This stunning short from Farm League reveals how under the guiding eye of their rootsy father, Mike, the three brothers were introduced to a life of adventure and connection to the earth: from surfing to rodeo, hunting, spear fishing and more.

Malloy Senior encouraged them to pursue surfing, even when there was no chance of making a career or any money from it.

They’ve grown to become intrepid adventurers and some of the most respected surfers of their generation, thanks in part to paddling away from the mainstream surf industry in search of undiscovered and inaccessible surf around the globe.

In Mike’s words, it was simple: “I wanted them to find their passion, I wanted them to find something that they loved to do.”

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