
Trans people deserve better than the fixation on our pain

Trans people deserve better than the fixation on our pain

Gender euphoria — All too often, transgender people are framed as a problem to be solved. In Liam Konemann’s new book, The Appendix, he calls for the focus to shift to encompass trans joy.

Written by: Liam Konemann

Why left-wing groups aren’t exempt from sexual assault

Why left-wing groups aren’t exempt from sexual assault

Hidden abuse — Isolated incidences of rape culture threaten the very ideology that unites activists and the building of a better society. Why then has there been a failure among some leftist groups to look inwards at the cultures they may be perpetrating?

Written by: Katie Tobin

Why trans liberation means abolishing capitalism

Why trans liberation means abolishing capitalism

Transgender Marxism — Writer and historian Jules Joanne Gleeson and political economist and gender theorist Elle O’Rourke discuss their new co-edited book, which explores trans lives and movements through a Marxist lens.

Written by: Robin Craig

The deadly history of gender reveal parties

The deadly history of gender reveal parties

It’s a disaster! — As the pandemic sees people spending more time on social media, parents-to-be are going to even greater lengths to announce the sex of their child. But could recent tragedies ever put an end to this lethal trend?

Written by: James Stout

Legal recognition won‘t protect non-binary people

Legal recognition won‘t protect non-binary people

Dismantle the system — A petition to make non-binary a legally recognised gender is gaining thousands of signatures. But instead of seeking acceptance from the state, we should be fighting to abolish a system that perpetuates violence and discrimination, argues Liv Wynter.

Written by: Liv Wynter

The police will never keep women safe

The police will never keep women safe

Abuses of power — Last week, women who’d come together to grieve the murder of a woman were brutalised by the Met. It served as yet another horrifying confirmation of just how deep institutional misogyny runs, writes Micha Frazer-Carroll.

Written by: Micha Frazer-Carroll

Captivating scenes of trans life across America in the ‘80s

Captivating scenes of trans life across America in the ‘80s

Celebrating gender expression — For four decades, photographer Mariette Pathy Allen compassionately documented the transgender community, celebrating the profound humanity of those living outside the gender binary and their hidden worlds.

Written by: Miss Rosen

The UK's puberty blocker ruling endangers trans people

The UK's puberty blocker ruling endangers trans people

#TransKidsExist — In the wake of a High Court ruling making it harder to prescribe puberty blockers to under-16s, writer Nicola Dinan asks why anyone would celebrate a now even starker absence of healthcare for trans kids.

Written by: Nicola Dinan

The LGB Alliance threatens more than trans rights

The LGB Alliance threatens more than trans rights

#LWithTheT — In the wake of a popular British gay magazine sharing several tweets from a transphobic organisation last month, writer Jack King argues that these attempts to stoke division are a danger to us all.

Written by: Jack King

Austerity is the real enemy of women – not trans people

Austerity is the real enemy of women – not trans people

The fight for funding — A dearth of compassion for trans people makes it easier to pit them against cis women and children. But the true evil is right under our noses, writes Nicola Dinan.

Written by: Nicola Dinan

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