
How protestors won the battle to save kink spaces

How protestors won the battle to save kink spaces

United in leather — Last week, Tower Hamlets council removed its nudity-restricting licensing conditions. It represents a huge win for London’s kink community, reports Bella Saltiel.

Written by: Bella Saltiel

Workers in queer spaces are standing up for their rights

Workers in queer spaces are standing up for their rights

Hot strike summer — As spiralling inflation sees a sharp rise in industrial action, hospitality staff in LGBTQ+ venues are finally demanding better pay and working conditions.

Written by: Ella Glover

The weird, wild and forgotten history of Leicester Pride

The weird, wild and forgotten history of Leicester Pride

From Michael Jackson superfans to far-right organising, the overlooked story of Leicester’s inaugural Pride march is a reminder of the power of collective resistance in the face of bigotry.

Written by: Liz Yeates

Queer-led movements are driving change at university

Queer-led movements are driving change at university

Pride 2022 — LGBTQ+ students from across the UK are keeping the spirit of the original Pride alive by fighting for liberation for everyone, not just their community, reports Zac Larkham.

Written by: Zac Larkham

Inside the UK’s queer ‘pay-as-you-want’ cafes

Inside the UK’s queer ‘pay-as-you-want’ cafes

‘It’s about dignity‘ — The last few years have seen an increase in LGBTQ-led initiatives to feed the hungry. While some have struggled to stay afloat, others are finding ways to survive despite the challenges, reports Jake Hall.

Written by: Jake Hall

The sex-positive party host championing consent

The sex-positive party host championing consent

Queer utopia — Crossbreed – the queer, sex-positive rave – is revolutionising London’s kink scene. How does its founder Alex Warren make sure everyone’s on the same page?

Written by: Lydia Morrish

In the UK’s coastal towns, queer voices remain unheard

In the UK’s coastal towns, queer voices remain unheard

Salt in the wound — Poverty and deprivation are rife in the UK’s seaside towns. Writer Tom Stockley, who grew up in Torbay, describes how for LGBTQ+ communities, this can have a particularly devastating impact.

Written by: Tom Stockley

Why young people are turning to platonic marriages

Why young people are turning to platonic marriages

Abolishing the family — As the role of the nuclear family and romantic relationships in modern society is increasingly called into ​question, people are finding new ways to exist outside heterosexist norms.

Written by: Katie Tobin

A queer archive of Northern England in the ‘90s

A queer archive of Northern England in the ‘90s

Out & About — Photographer Stuart Linden Rhodes recalls capturing the North’s diverse LGBTQ+ clubbing scene, and the vibrant characters who filled the dance floors.

Written by: Patrick Sproull

Trans people deserve better than the fixation on our pain

Trans people deserve better than the fixation on our pain

Gender euphoria — All too often, transgender people are framed as a problem to be solved. In Liam Konemann’s new book, The Appendix, he calls for the focus to shift to encompass trans joy.

Written by: Liam Konemann

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