
The Atlanta skate park that fought back against gentrification - and won

The Atlanta skate park that fought back against gentrification - and won

Disunited States: Black Blocks — Built in 1996 in time for Atlanta to host the Olympic Games, Black Blocks was a small urban square designed to spruce up the highway, but it quickly became an important spot for Atlanta’s skaters. Gentrification is in full swing in the city, and when the authorities tried to shut it down earlier this year, the community rallied together to save it, explains Andrew Murrell.

Written by: Andrew Murrell

Why it disappointed me to watch Trump’s victory as a Muslim woman in America

Why it disappointed me to watch Trump’s victory as a Muslim woman in America

Breaking the melting pot — In the wake of Trump’s victory, we’re reaching out to artists, activists and countercultural figures - the people Huck was born to celebrate - for their original and thought-provoking takes on what it means for America, for them and for all of us. Eman Mohammed fought misogyny to become Gaza’s first female photojournalist. Now a US resident, she’s worried Trump’s language is destroying what makes America great: its diversity, equality and unity.

Written by: Alex King

Searching for answers in Trumpland USA

Searching for answers in Trumpland USA

Disunited States: Into a red sea — When news broke that Donald Trump would really be taking up office in the White House, we sat shocked, angry and bemused at what to do. Now Huck’s News Editor Michael Segalov is heading Stateside to Georgia to hear stories from voices on the ground. In his first dispatch from the US, he explains where we’re going, who we'll be talking to, and how we'll be trying to make sense of America's future.

Written by: Michael Segalov

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Issue 80: The Ziwe issue