Workers Rights

Is the rise of surrogacy deepening class divides?

Is the rise of surrogacy deepening class divides?

The motherhood penalty — Increasingly, patients are avoiding pregnancy or time off work by paying someone else to carry their baby. Could this leave people unable to afford this service more vulnerable?

Written by: Katie Tobin

The video game unions battling injustice in the industry

The video game unions battling injustice in the industry

Gamers unite — Racism, sexism and overwork have long plagued the gaming industry. But now, individuals are coming together and unionising in an effort to transform their workplaces.

Written by: Sian Bradley

Bosses are denying workers the space to grieve

Bosses are denying workers the space to grieve

Calling for compassion — There are currently no UK laws obliging employers to grant worker’s leave for a death in the family. But with the pandemic bringing grief to the fore, it’s sparked a renewed focus on the issue of allowing workers time to process death.

Written by: Anna Samson

The Uber drivers facing abuse from riders over mask rules

The Uber drivers facing abuse from riders over mask rules

In the firing line — Drivers have been on the receiving end of physical and verbal abuse from riders who refuse to wear a mask. They say that Uber has failed to protect them, reflecting a wider pattern of the app’s abysmal treatment of its workers.

Written by: Tallulah Belassie-Page

The female couriers being denied toilet dignity

The female couriers being denied toilet dignity

‘It’s dehumanising‘ — The issue of workers being denied toilet dignity has worsened during the pandemic. For female couriers – who are disproportionately impacted by the problem – it’s taking a toll on both their mental wellbeing and ability to work.

Written by: Daisy Schofield

Corporations or garment workers? It’s time to pick a side

Corporations or garment workers? It’s time to pick a side

How you can help — Garment workers are in a fight to the death with some of the most powerful companies on the planet – here’s how you can stand with them.

Written by: Tansy Hoskins

Labour can't back down on freedom of movement

Labour can't back down on freedom of movement

It's time to make a stand — With migration once more on the political agenda this election, Minnie Rahman of the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants explains why if Labour is truly the party of the working class it must stand up for migrants' rights.

Written by: Minnie Rahman

São Paulo on shutdown: The day Brazil stood still

São Paulo on shutdown: The day Brazil stood still

Greve Geral — Workers all over the country come together to protest against the weakening of labour laws, met with violent repression by the police.

Written by: Biju Belinky

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