An Arctic Adventure — Between Places is a stunning documentary about climbing and sailing in the beautiful but inhospitable terrain of Greenland.

Henrik Rostrup’s Between Places captures an incredible sea voyage through the arctic waters of Greenland. The film follows three climbers, Erwan Le Lann and Martial Dumas from France and Edurne Pasarban from Spain, as they seek out distant and unexplored peaks. They are guided through the treacherous waters by Thierry Dubois a former solo round the world sailor, board his sailboat, La Louise. Together, the team embark on a ten day adventure to explore the amazing mountain terrain.

Each day is full of new discoveries as the team sail from bay to bay, never sure of what they will see around the next corner. When they spot virgin peaks from the water, their excitement grows as they get closer, sizing up the best route to scale the mountain. After disembarking from the boat, they head to the shore in a dinghy with skis in their backpacks. The breathtaking ascents take most of the day but after reaching the summit they only have a short time to appreciate their achievements.

Not every day provides such a joyful experience as the team suffer a spell of bad weather that keeps them stuck on the boat for a few days. But as experienced explorers, they all understand this is part of the game. At this point the film switches paths to explore the remarkable lives of each member the team, and it becomes clear that none of them are strangers to coping with adversity. Edurne Pasaban was the first woman to climb all of the world’s peaks over 8,000 meters. While she reflects that her life in the mountains has been almost entirely positive, her experience on K2 brings home just how hazardous navigating this terrain can be. After spending too much time at the summit, on the descent she became detached from her team of climbers. She ended up spending 27 hours outside the tent and lost a number of toes from frostbite.

Between Places is a beautifully shot and thoughtful film that captures the awe inspiring and dreamlike landscapes of Greenland while seamlessly weaving the personal stories of each team member into their Arctic journey. ‘Between Places’ leaves you with a profound respect for the people that put adventure at the heart of their lives, constantly pouching at the limits of their capabilities in an attempt to experience the full extent of nature’s wonder.

To watch the full film from Peak Performance for free, head over to the Between Places website.

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