
Five easy ways to convince your nan and grandad to vote Labour

Five easy ways to convince your nan and grandad to vote Labour

Pick up the phone. Go on. — There’s a generational divide that has characterised this election: young people are turning up for Labour while the Tories are still the favourites with over 65s. If we have a chance of voting in a progressive government, that needs to change. There’s still time to have a conversation, to reach out to your loved ones, explain how you feel and why. Dawn Foster has even written you this handy guide. So go on, pick up the phone and call your nan and grandad, you might just change their mind.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Stop calling Jeremy Corbyn an IRA terrorist sympathiser, it's simply not true

Stop calling Jeremy Corbyn an IRA terrorist sympathiser, it's simply not true

From Where I Stand — Both Jeremy Corbyn’s opponents in politics and the media have long been desperate to use the Labour leader’s nuanced stance on the conflict in Ireland to paint him as an extremist with contempt for the British state. But Corbyn’s compassionate approach to negotiating peace and understanding has been consistent for decades, and was ultimately proved correct, argues James Butler.

Written by: James Butler

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Issue 80: The Ziwe issue