United States

From plantation to liberty, the underground railroad slaves took to freedom

From plantation to liberty, the underground railroad slaves took to freedom

Through Darkness to Light — An estimated one hundred thousand slaves between 1800 and the end of the American Civil War in 1865 became passengers on the Underground Railroad, embarking on a journey of hardship to freedom. In Through Darkness to Light, Jeanine Michna-Bales photographs the Underground Railroad, the secret route and network of safe houses slaves used to escape captivity in the United States.

Written by: Jeanine Michna-Bales

In Trump's America, there is nowhere for LGBT people to hide

In Trump's America, there is nowhere for LGBT people to hide

My Month With Trump — Each month until Trump leaves office we'll be hearing how he's impacted individual lives in our column My Month With Trump. As the Bigot-in-Chief looks poised to sign an anti-LGBT executive order, LA-based Jeff Leavell hits out at his fellow white gay men just like him sitting silently by in his community as the flames of prejudice spread. There is no safe space to hide in.

Written by: Jeff Leavell

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Issue 80: The Ziwe issue